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3 Tips for Keeping Your Legs Healthy After Treatment

3 Tips for Keeping Your Legs Healthy After Treatment

3 Tips for Keeping Your Legs Healthy After Treatment

So you’ve taken the proper steps to have your symptoms looked at, developed a treatment plan, completed your treatment and your legs are free of varicose or spider veins… now what? It is clear that there is an effective treatment option for almost any symptom of vein disease, whether that be Radiofrequency Ablation, VenaSeal, Sclerotherapy or one of the other state-of-the-art treatments offered at Milligan Vein. Now that your treatment is complete, let’s look at some tips for maintaining those new healthy legs and preventing future complications with vein disease.

  1. One of the key components of vein health is circulation. This will keep blood from pooling and instead have it pumping through those healthy veins. Incorporating some sort of low impact exercise such as walking or running if you are up to it will help maintain good circulation. Try doing this at least a few times per week and be sure to consult your physician if you have other health concerns that could prohibit your from this activity.
  2. Avoid long periods of sitting or standing, this is especially common in the workplace. Try changing up your routine and work with your employer to incorporate resting or movement into your daily schedule.
  3. Eating healthy will go a long way. Our muscles and bodies need protein and nutrients to operate as best they can. Work towards a diet rich in proteins, fresh vegetables and other sources of essential vitamins.

If you have other questions about maintaining leg and vein health before or after seeking treatment, please contact us as we would be happy to help!

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